1:1 Coaching

If you’re a woman (or a select man) looking to tap into your inner wisdom, heal yourself, expand your consciousness and become more of who you really are, click the link below to apply for a discovery call.  

If you’re here reading this, chances are you’re looking for some answers or some support.

Maybe you’re struggling with your body and your health — hormone imbalances, autoimmune challenges, digestive issues, allergies… pain. What do I eat? What supplements do I take? Will I ever feel good?  The fear and overwhelm is real.  

Maybe you’re a woman feeling challenged with your female health or your fertility — you just want to feel good in your body and create the life you want. What is wrong with me?  You’re not alone and there are a LOT of ways you can improve your reproductive health that doctors literally have no idea about. 

Maybe it’s your job or your relationships… maybe you sense that there is more for you to do in the world but you feel stuck in a situation that sucks the life out of you… or worse, is making you sick. I can’t leave to follow my heart… I have bills to pay… I can’t imagine my life any other way!  That is SO real. 

Maybe you’re experiencing what many people call a spiritual awakening which sometimes (or often) looks like your life as you knew it is falling apart. Your perception is shifting, you’re experiencing changes in your body, your emotions, your awareness.  Again, you‘re not alone and you’re not going crazy

If you’re anything like most people, your doctors and therapists don’t seem to have the answers. You don’t want to have to rely on drugs and surgery to fix symptoms.

 Your friends (if you even have time for friends) seem to have similar problems of their own and maybe they don’t even really understand you… and you’re too tired/busy/overwhelmed to try to find answers on the internet… plus, who to trust? You’re tired of all the drama. The world is so chaotic right now. 

I get it, I have been there… super challenging health issues and wake up calls… years of searching to find practitioners and healers and classes to help me… years of scouring the internet for answers… a long journey of breaking free from a job that I hated… a journey of letting go of addictions, of bad relationships… navigating my own processes of the “dark night of the soul” (multiple times, ooff).  

How do we really heal and not just band-aid symptoms with pharmaceuticals or by self medicating?

How do we tap into the infinite power that people say we have?

How do we let go of the distortion and the fear and the pain and the lack… and step into the truth of who we really are? 

It takes inner work. To look inside and see what is there for YOU…. what you’re holding on to and what is holding you back from really loving yourself and owning your life to the fullest. 

It takes understanding how your body and energy system works and what it needs to heal and thrive. This has taken me years to piece together and I’d love to share with you. This is a major part of my genius. 

I found a way through my pain after a LOT of trial and error… and with the help of many wise guides and soul friends along the way. 

That’s not to say I live in some kind of perfect, pain-free Universe now, but I know how to lean in… to learn from it and transmute it. I do my very best to listen to my body’s messages (which is like learning another language that you can only learn by paying attention)… to receive insights and follow my intuition (a practice for sure!)… to see every relationship and experience as a mirror and a guide.  I move my body and practice keeping my channels open so my life force can flow freely.  

I have made a commitment to myself to love that uncomfortable space between where I am and where I want to be… even if it hurts. To discipline myself so I can move toward my dreams. And to let go of whatever is in the way of pure gratitude for my experience of life. 

Where are you now?  Where do you want to be?  Getting clear on that is the first step. 

If you want to speed up your process… if you want guidance to help you decipher the messages of your body and navigate health challenges… if you want tools and support for inner transformation, click below to schedule a free discovery call with me.

I’ll invite you to share about where you’re at and we can explore if I’m the right support for you. 

 As a holistic nurse and a holistic healing and spirituality coach & guide, my work is guided by my passions: self awareness, personal growth, somatic and hands-on self healing (including womb healing), mindset, movement, ancestral nutrition and healing foods, plant medicines and most importantly, energetics and spirituality.  

Mind. Body. Emotions. Spirit. Energy.   All aspects work together to create the whole. 

I have a lot of training that has helped me serve women: Almost 10 years studying and working in the western medical system, Maya Abdominal Therapy, Holistic Pelvic Care, Hypnosis and meditation, Herbs and flower essences, Holistic Stress Management, Somatic & Energy Healing as well as a 10+ year student of plant medicines and indigenous healing ceremonies.  I am a Qoya Inspired Movement teacher. I draw from ancestral healing diets like the Weston A Price Nourishing Traditions Diet, the GAPS Nutritional Protocol and the Bean Protocol to repair and regenerate the body.

I believe that on a fundamental level, everything is energy and we can learn to shift our frequency to heal and evolve. 

…and I have an innate gift of really seeing people and knowing what questions to ask to guide you into your knowing and power.  

If you would like to explore working with me in person or via zoom, request a free discovery call now: 

Jen masterfully blends her attunement to the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms when working with her clients. She is a conduit for reconnecting the missing pieces that are needed with the wisdom already contained within each individual. Working with her, I felt I had a partner and consistent supporter on my path to healing as I navigated deep rooted chronic illness that has kept me sick for over a decade. She was a guide when I felt I had nowhere else to turn. Together we were able to uncover essential pieces that my system was calling out for but I couldn’t name. Her embodied wisdom, devotion, and ability to read and synthesize what each of her clients needs from a multitude of levels are a few of her greatest strengths.  I would highly recommend Jen to anyone who feels stuck and unable to move forward on their healing journey and has tried “everything” to improve. I’m forever grateful our paths crossed.  – Mariya, Social Worker & Healer

Call it coaching… call it guidance… call me a friend on the path. Whatever you want to call it, I’d love to support you to become more of who you really are. 


Here is an example of my 3 & 6 month coaching container:

  • 1 hour coaching call/zoom per week or every other week for 3 or 6 months.  
  • 24/7 Text & Voice memo check-ins between calls (responses as soon as I am able. I actually love these valuable opportunities for brief, real-time coaching as things come up.)
  • Resources and deliverables (guided meditations, videos and other self care handouts/support)
  • Resources and Referrals from within my private network
  • Follow-up email with links, recommendations and resources after each call. This is a HUGE Bonus that takes time… and my clients love it!

In our time together we can tend to any (or many) of the following depending on where you’re at and what you want and need:

  • Be witnessed and guided in your transformation/healing process. One thing is for sure, you will transform if you do the work. 
  • Get clear on a vision for your life that lights you up.
  • Learn how to meditate or deepen your meditation practice and receive guided meditations based on your needs
  • Learn and experience foundational and game-changing self-care practices that will support your body’s vitality… and then have the accountability that will inspire you to follow through
  • Get clear and inspired to make dietary shifts to reduce inflammation and nourish and detoxify your body.
  • Receive guidance around herbs, vitamins and supplements to take or let go of so you can feel your best
  • Call in a community of friends who truly get you and uplift you
  • Embody practices that deepen your self love and expand your capacity for pleasure.
  • Navigate stress, symptoms and conflict with greater ease.
  • Understand what the sensations in your body are trying to tell you
  • Learn new tools for growing through your triggers
  • Step into your joy by making time for your hobbies and passions   
  • Ultimately, learn how to ask for what you want, have courage and trust your intuition and inner guidance system


One time consultations are available,

but deep and lasting transformation happens over time.

My 3 & 6 month packages are where the real magic happens.