1:1 Hands-on Bodywork

Maya Abdominal Therapyand Holistic Pelvic Care™ are the foundations of my in-person bodywork offerings. I have been in practice serving women with these unique and powerful techniques for 13 years. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be allowed into such a private aspect of women’s lives.

The techniques are extremely gentle yet the effects are profound 

I am not exaggerating to say that I truly believe if more women received this work,

it would change the very nature of how women relate in the world.     -Susan, Wellness Professional

I see women at Ancient Traditions, a beautiful studio in Grand Marais, MN, for 90 minute appointments. If you are in the area and would like to see me for a truly holistic treatment or consultation, request a discovery call and I will be in touch. 

Imagine an entire day or weekend devoted to your body’s healing, balance and vitality. The female body needs more space and care to truly unwind than is possible in a 1 hour session. I weave ritual, music, movement and healing foods into these highly personalized 1:1 retreats near Grand Marais, MN. If you’re interested in this unique and transformational offering, request a discovery call below. 

Maya Abdominal Therapy

Maya Abdominal Therapy is the foundation of my bodywork practice. It is an ancient technique that has been known and practiced by healers for thousands of years. It represents an unbroken chain of knowledge handed down from generation to generation of midwives, healers and shamans. My teacher, Dr. Rosita Arvigo, developed this technique after studying for years with Don Elijio Panti, the last Mayan H’men (shaman) and Miss Hortence Robinson, a Belizian midwife. The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ combine modern science with traditional healing wisdom to produce a holistic path to physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

During a session, I focus on bringing balance and flow to the neck, shoulders, spine, sacrum and abdomen, paying particular attention to the lower abdomen, the womb space. This therapy is unique in the attention given to the uterus; Don Elijio Panti is known for saying, “a woman’s uterus is her center – if it is out of balance, so shall the rest of her life be.”  Because of this attention to a women’s “second heart,” sessions are powerful and can go deep. 

Maya Abdominal Therapy is used to treat:

  • Painful or irregular periods
  • Back pain and/or sacrum pain
  • Dark, thick fluids at the beginning and end of menses
  • Amenorrhea (no menstruation at all)
  • Headaches/ dizziness with menses
  • Varicose veins
  • Tired legs, numb feet/ sore heels
  • Fertility challenges
  • Endometriosis/Endometritis
  • Uterine polyps, cysts or fibroids
  • Painful intercourse
  • PMS
  • Uterine infections
  • Frequent urination
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Vaginitis
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Weak newborn infants
  • Difficult pregnancy and delivery
  • Postpartum recovery
  • Difficult menopause

Holistic Pelvic Care

Created by holistic women’s healthcare pioneer Tami Kent, MSTP, physical therapist and author of the books Wild Feminine, Mothering from Your Center, and Wild Creative, Holistic Pelvic Care™ is designed to assess and then restore balance to the pelvic space of the female body using gentle internal vaginal massage techniques combined with simple breath work and guided visualizations.

Holistic Pelvic Care™ can provide relief from frustrating pelvic symptoms such as:

  • pelvic pain and cramping
  • decreased or painful mobility in hips and pelvis
  • pain with sitting
  • pain from cysts, fibroids and scar tissue
  • painful periods
  • pain with intercourse
  • organ prolapse
  • pregnancy, childbirth and miscarriage recovery
  • stress incontinence (pee a little when you laugh, cough or sneeze?)
  • a sense of heaviness in the pelvis or of being “off-kilter” from your center somehow
  • tailbone pain
  • hemorrhoids

It can also help:

  • restore pelvic muscle balance and engagement
  • support organ health and alignment
  • improve pelvic sensation
  • increase sexual health, libido and orgasm
  • encourage self-care and body intuition
  • decrease core stress and enhance balance
  • establish clear energetic boundaries
  • clear pelvic congestion and support pelvic wellness

I came to Jen after reading about Mayan abdominal massage online—and being interested in using it as I tried to conceive. What I ended up receiving from Jen was so much more — she exudes warmth, support and a belief in the power and mystery of a woman’s body. Stepping into her office and sitting down with her takes you quickly from the chaos of your day into a place where you breathe more deeply and begin to see your body for its full potential, beyond simple stats and facts. It’s apparent that caring for others is what Jen was meant to do, and we who see her are the benefactors of her passion for people, ancient healing traditions, and the beauty and strength of the female body.   – Judy, Writer

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect in an ATMAT  (Maya Abdominal Therapy) session?

Your session will begin with a detailed intake including your history and your goals for treatment. I will briefly introduce/review pelvic and abdominal anatomy and then you will receive abdominal, hip and back massage focused on aligning your pelvis and abdominal organs. During the first session, I will teach you abdominal self massage so you can continue your healing work at home. Additionally, I may recommend herbal remedies and other supportive treatments to enhance the effect of your treatment.


What effects will I notice following an ATMAT session?

Many women report immediate relief from symptoms following a session including deeper breathing, reduced pain and a sense of feeling at home in the body. For others, it may take a longer time for their bodies to integrate the changes. I will work with you to create a personal plan of care that will support your body’s journey to wellness and help achieve long-lasting effects.


How can ATMAT help with Fertility?

ATMAT for fertility is not just a belly rub- it is an entire program individualized for you which may include abdominal massage, diet and lifestyle modifications, herbal tonics, faja (support belt), vaginal herbal steams, relaxation techniques including meditation and more. Abdominal Massage helps to free & diminish old adhesions from invasive treatments or traumas to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, cesarean delivery, abdominal surgery, infection or trauma. It corrects uterine malposition and promotes ligament healing, improves the blood flow to the pelvic organs and can improve the uterine lining. The ancient therapy of Maya Abdominal therapy focuses on root causes, both emotional & physical to allow the body to heal itself and optimize fertility.


I’ve had a hysterectomy – how does ATMAT help?

Women who have had hysterectomies also benefit greatly from ATMAT.  The techniques improve circulation in and around scars and assists proper flow of lymph, which often becomes blocked after surgery and results in swelling, burning, and deep aching pain in the pelvis.  By utilizing uterine massage techniques on a regular basis, scar tissue can be prevented from forming in the pelvis after surgery.  Ligaments and other remaining organs also benefit from improving circulatory flow to the pelvis.


I’m pregnant – can I receive ATMAT?

Yes! The midwives in Central America recommend Maya Abdominal Therapy frequently after 20 weeks of pregnancy to support your growing baby and your body. As your uterus grows, the techniques change to align your uterus within your pelvic bowl to alleviate common discomforts of pregnancy and decrease pregnancy complications. In fact, Maya Abdominal Therapy can even help babies turn into their proper position for a smooth, comfortable childbirth! After only 1 or 2 treatments, most babies will turn in response to the improved alignment of the uterus and pelvis as well as the increased blood and nerve flow. After pregnancy, Maya Abdominal Therapy and supportive therapies are recommended as soon after birth as possible to help the uterus return to her optimal position and support the body’s recovery from such a transformational experience.


Are there any contraindications?

  • If you have an IUD, you can receive the whole treatment except the massage of the uterus/lower abdomen. You can, however, receive energy work over your uterus and lower abdomen and the rest of the treatment will still benefit alignment and flow.
  • During menses, you can you can receive the whole treatment except the massage of the uterus/lower abdomen. You can, however, receive energy work over your uterus and lower abdomen and the rest of the treatment still benefits alignment and flow and will support your process of going within.
  • Within 6 weeks after abdominal surgery. After 6-8 weeks, ATMAT is great for assisting with your healing process.
  • If an active infection or cancer is present in the abdominal or pelvic region. If you are recovering from cancer, a note from a physician clearing you for massage is requested.


This work is designed to restore physical and energetic balance, which can sometimes bring up emotions stored deep in the body.


What can I expect in an HPC (Holistic Pelvic Care) session?

In the first session, we’ll discuss your history and goals/intention. I’ll answer any questions you have before we move on to the physical work. During the treatment, which meets you exactly where you are at, I’ll assess your pelvic floor and share what I notice. I’ll follow the lead of your body with intravaginal massage, myofascial release, trigger point work, breathwork and visualization tools to assist core physical and energetic balance. Most women who receive this work are nervous, of course, but by the end of the session most women wonder why this isn’t commonly practice women’s health care. It’s so foundational and helpful. 


How is an HPC session with you different than the annual with my OB/GYN?

Conventional women’s health consists of an exam with a speculum to check for abnormal cervical cells and then treatments with drugs or surgery. As a holistic nurse and bodyworker, I will ask many of the same questions as your OB/GYN, but my assessment and treatment differs as I am primarily focused on the organ positions, and tone, texture and function of the muscles and fascia of the pelvic floor — what I can feel with my hands. I do not do PAP exams. The hands-on work I do is outside the paradigm of our health care system as it is today. Hopefully we will see a more integrated model in the future.


What effects will I notice after a session?

Many women describe an immediate feeling of a renewed sense of connection and awareness of their pelvic space and more of a sense of being in their body. They also report feeling calm, centered and grounded. Energy and blood flow are increased to the pelvic bowl, and many women report a decrease in overall symptoms and a strengthening of pelvic floor muscle engagement.


How many sessions will I need?

Most women do a series of three to six sessions while practicing and gaining confidence in their self-care techniques then return annually or as needed. Many women experience major improvement after only one treatment.


Do I need to have pelvic symptoms to benefit from pelvic care?

Whether you are suffering from pelvic symptoms or you simply want to connect more deeply with the root of your body, holistic pelvic care can be a powerful tool to increase the flow of creative energy and increase your feminine vitality. Women also benefit from receiving annual pelvic tune-ups as part of their general wellness plan or when preparing for pregnancy.